Tar Heel Shared Reader

Photo Credits

Many thanks to Flickr and the fine photographers who took and shared the pictures you see in these books. We only use pictures that have been shared with the Creative Commons license and those with no known copyright. You may click on photo credits link in any book to link to the pages on Flickr for the photos. Of course, the pictures remain the property of photographers who took them and all the restrictions they placed on their use still apply.

If you object to the use of your pictures in these books for kids with disabilities, just let me know and I’ll take the book down.

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Abraham Lincoln’s Contributions to America

Click on the links below to go to the Flickr page for each photograph.

 Flickr Abraham Lincoln worked to defend the principles of America.
 Flickr Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky on February 2, 1809.
 Flickr When he was a boy, he worked on his family’s farm.
 Flickr He did not go to school every day because he was helping at home.
 Flickr He taught himself to read.
 Flickr Abraham Lincoln always tried to tell the truth and do the right thing.
 Flickr One time, he walked for miles to give a woman a some money he owed her.
 Flickr He was known as “Honest Abe”.
 Flickr When Lincoln was young, he saw a slave market, and was very sad.
 Flickr Many African Americans were owned by people who made them work for no pay.
 Flickr Lincoln believed that all people are created equal and have the right to be free.
 Flickr He became a lawyer and served in the United States government.
 Flickr Abraham Lincoln was elected the sixteenth president.
 Flickr During this time, the country was divided over equality for all people.
 Flickr Soon after Lincoln became president, the American Civil War began.
 Flickr The war lasted for four long years.
 Flickr During the war, Abraham Lincoln signed a law that helped free African American slaves.
 Flickr The North won the war, and the country was reunited.
 Flickr Abraham Lincoln kept America together as one nation.
 Flickr Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed in 1865.
 Flickr Abraham Lincoln is honored by memorials and statues.
 Flickr His picture is on the penny
 Flickr and the five dollar bill.
 Flickr We remember Abraham Lincoln as one of the greatest leaders in American history.
 Flickr Thank you, Abraham Lincoln.
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